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Tips for Spring Home Maintenance

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A few simple home maintenance tasks can help you make sure that your home is secure. These simple tasks can protect your home from any potential dangers. Also, you may be eligible for a Travelers homeowners insurance plan. We will be discussing the most important spring home maintenance tasks in this article. Read on to learn more! Check your roof and air conditioner. Clean your gutters. We will discuss how to inspect your roof for leaks.

Prepare your home in spring

Spring is the best time for basic repairs and maintenance to your home. While you may have neglected your home during the cold winter months, spring is the perfect time to complete all your tasks before the summer season begins. These are some tips on spring home maintenance:

You should check the air conditioner

You can maintain your air conditioner at home or hire someone. Replace your air filter if it isn't allowing light through. Your outdoor unit's fins should be cleaned with a gardenhose. Use a soft brush to remove any debris stuck on the fins. After months of use, there's a good chance that the outside unit has been sitting in dust for a while, and you may notice some buildup.

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Clean your gutters

Spring is the best time to clean gutters. Not only do they hold up water, they can also harbor various pests. These pests may cause illness in you or your family. If you leave debris for too long, they may sprout plants. In addition, improperly maintained gutter systems may cost you more money to replace or repair. To avoid this, it is a good idea to call a roofing company for an annual inspection and cleaning.

Take a look at your roof

If your roof was neglected in the winter months, winter weather can cause significant damage. Spring is the best time to inspect your roof. It is important to inspect your roof for cracks or missing shingles. Professional inspections can also be done. This will save you from costly repairs. Here are some tips on how to inspect your roof this Spring:

Take a look at your foundation walls

Before the foliage of summer hides the foundation walls, check them for cracks and deterioration. Take a look at the foundation walls outside the garage. Cracks with longer and wider sections indicate damage caused by freezing and thawing. Foundation cracks should not be attempted by homeowners. Instead, hire a professional for this spring home maintenance task.

Check your roof during spring storms

Spring storms can be unpredictable, particularly in Georgia, where weather conditions can be hot, sunny, and dry one week and freak ice storms on the next. It is important to inspect your roof in storms to avoid damage. Here are a few tips to keep your roof safe and sound:

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Make sure to inspect your foundation vents

During springtime, you should check your foundation vents, otherwise known as weepholes. They allow air to circulate under your home and prevent moisture and mold growth. They can also be used to deter unwanted pests. You should clean out foundation vents of leaves and other debris as part of spring home maintenance. You should also inspect foundation vent screens for holes. Pests such as rodents can get through tiny openings.


Are handyman services more expensive than general contractors?

Yes! Yes! This is especially true in cases where you have never hired a contractor to do the work. In addition, a handyman can help speed up the completion of a project because they generally have expertise in completing certain tasks faster and more efficiently.

Are there any things I should be aware of before I hire a handyman to help me?

You want to ensure that you only hire people who have experience with the project. Also, make sure to get references and ask about customers who have used your services before. You might want to add extra cash to cover unexpected costs. You will also need to make sure that your driver is licensed and insured.

What do the majority of handymen charge an hour for?

A handyman can charge between $50-$75 an hour. This is a job that most of them have done for years. Their average time on any job is approximately 10 hours. They do not need to be advertised; they are well-known in the area.

They develop long-lasting customer relationships and specialize.

The main difference between them, other contractors, is that they are fast, reliable, cheap, and efficient.

Most people have at least two or three of these guys that they can trust enough to call for help when they need it.

Some are so good they have their own business.

How long does a handyman take?

To become a skilled handyman, it takes many years of hard labor. It is usually a hobby that starts out helping your family, but it eventually becomes a full-time occupation.

As you work, you will begin to acquire all the skills required.

Are handymen insured?

Yes! Yes. Most insurance companies cover liability claims over $1 million for accident property damage or bodily harm. Your insurance company will typically compensate you for damages if there is a problem during the project.

What qualifications do I need to be a handyman?

The most important qualification you'll need as a handyman is a patience. A strong understanding of home maintenance and electrical systems are essential.

You will find that there are many jobs available for those who are qualified, but if you don't know what they are, then you may not qualify.

You might want to consider getting training from a school specializing in these courses.


  • According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in May 2020, there are 1,357,630 handymen employed in the U.S.. (angi.com)
  • A franchise was approximately $110,000 with a franchise fee of $14,900, according to a spokesperson for a national handyman franchise. (en.wikipedia.org)
  • An estimate was that in 2003, the market for home maintenance and repair spending was up 14% 2001 to 2003. (en.wikipedia.org)
  • Our handyman services for seniors are provided by professional senior helpers who have been serving the community for over 20 years with 98% customer satisfaction. (cantatahomeservices.org)
  • With a strong housing market, the handyman and general maintenance worker industry are expected to grow by nearly 10% in the next decade. (housecallpro.com)

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How To

How to replace your doorknob

The most effective replacement would be something that was both functional and decorative. A door handle could easily replace a simple doorknob with an attractive finish.

The key here is to ensure that whatever you choose looks like the original and is easy for people to operate.

If other shiny finishes are in place, a shiny brass knob could be too expensive. You can go ahead and buy it if there's nothing else in the space.

You can also choose a knob that matches your existing hardware, but not the style of the rest. This could be a good choice if you're redoing kitchen cabinetry or adding a new countertop in another part of the house.

If you want to stick with a traditional look, consider changing your knobs with matching handles.



Tips for Spring Home Maintenance